This is me using Active Dry Yeast. I finally faced my fears, and opened up these delightful little packages of fungi... and before my eyes, it created one of the most fabulous things in the world.
It should be its own food group. Wait, never mind.
Bread has its own food group.
That's good enough.
I guess....
After rolling it out... the fun begins. (Not that yeast wasn't already a blast!)
Pouring melted butter.
Its a beautiful thing. A beautiful CALORIE thing.
This is where I start telling my subconscious to shut up.
Heaven??... no no. Better!
Dough, melted butter, and sprinkled sugar and cinnamon.
Keep your tongue in your mouth. Slobbering is rude.
Please meet my messy stove top. And meet my cinnamon roll, ROLL.
This bad boy couldn't wait to be cut into.
He told me so.
Too bad I had to actually take the time to BAKE these before eating.
I mean really, has raw dough ever looked sooooo wonderful?
Holy, wow.
My babies. Ready for a 350 degree burning inferno. Or oven.
Those work too.
All done, and ready for another slathering of goodness gracious!
Help me.
No really. This is bad. Really bad. Because these are sooooo good!
And there are soooo many! and that is such a good thing.
Because these are ooey, and gooey, and sweet, and warm, and comforting.
They are meant to be shared. Or, devoured one by one.
Do what you want. I chose to share them.
But I will totally, totally, totally understand if you would want to eat all of them. Each and every last roll drenched in buttery cinnamini sugary goodness. Every last drop.
Because these are lick the plate good.
Wanna make your taste buds happy?
You will be so glad you did.
I promise.
My love for Cinnamon rolls have just reached a whole new level of Oh My God.
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