Friday, August 20, 2010

letters to baby #2

Hello my sweet angel,

Well, here we are... a day shy of 14 weeks pregnant. Becoming more and more anxious everyday to see your face, smell your soft baby skin, and stare into your big beautiful eyes you are bound to have. Sometimes I cant believe I still have 26 weeks until I get to snuggle you in my arms, and other times I have to remind myself.. that I ONLY have 26 weeks until the most important person in my whole world will be here.

In 1 week from tomorrow, Daddy and I get to find out if youre a girl or boy (If you decide to cooperate!). We are so excited! Will we be signing you up for baseball or ballet? Will we be buying you a ball and glove or a tutu? Will you be mamas little man or daddy's little princess? Either way, we love you so much already. What you are does not matter. What matters is that God has blessed us with you and that mama and daddy are the best parents to you, so that you will be provided with every single opportunity possible on this earth. Pink or blue, either one, we will be so happy.

You are going to make mama and daddy a family. We will no longer be a married couple, but a family of 3. And when we feel that you are ready, we will be a family or 4 and maybe, if daddy gives mama her way, a family of 5. I cant wait to meet you and your siblings. I pray that you will love your life long best friends as much as I love Tio Dennis and Uncle Vince.

Everyday, I ask  myself if I am going to be good enough for you. Will I be able to lead you in the right direction? Will I be able to teach you right from wrong? Will I be able to teach you about God and all the good that there is on this earth while shielding you from the bad? But, what if I shield  you too much? I don't want you to grow up naive either. I want you to have a strong head, a kind soul, and a heart full of love and God. I hope I will be able to teach you by example.
I cant wait to buy you a book shelf, and start filling it with books. Books that you will one day pass on to your kids, who will pass them on to their kids. I will read to you every single day. Reading is so important in mama and daddy's life. We hope that you love books like we do. There is so much to learn and discover in books. You can explore the world in your very own bedroom.

I pray for you everyday. Not only for your health while you grow in my belly, but for you when you are out here in the real world. I pray that you will love life, laugh everyday, and smile every time you can. I pray that you will enjoy the sunshine, and cuddling up with mama when its raining outside. I pray that one day, decades from now, you will meet another person who will be the other half that makes you whole. I pray that you will love that person, and respect that person, and NEED that person. Just like mama and daddy love, respect, and need each other. And just like we love, respect, and need you.

Good evening my sweetheart,

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