I realize this post is late. I dont have a good excuse for falling off the face of blogging Earth. I wish I could say last week was so super busy and eventful, and there was no way I could have blogged unless I had done so in my sleep, but again... thats not the case. Im not sure where last week went, but I still wanted to share my Easter Baskets with you.
Because they are too fabulous to NOT share (Yup, totally tooting my own horn here... )
But before I go on.. I have to admit something.
I lost my mind.
Ya, my mind is gone....
Mum cupcakes. Have you ever, in all your life seen something so insane?
What youre looking at is mini marshmallows cut diagonally, and then dipped into colored sugars. I then frosted a cupcake, and stuck the flat part of the marshmallow lightly onto the frosted cupcake, in 3 circles. I then filled the middle with mini chocolate chips.
And there you have it.
(Thats where my mind went, folks.)
As if that werent already crazy enough....
Marble cake cupcakes with chocolate frosting and marshmallow mum flowers.
Pineapple cupcaked with whipped frosting and covered in green coconut and a yellow peep.
And Cookie dough cupcakes with chocolate frosting, piped creamcheese "grass" and a Reeses egg.
Also, a Rice Krispie butterfly treat, decorated in colored white chocolate,
and a cake truffle on a stick, decorated as a chick.
This is what Ive lost my mind to.
Homemade Easter baskets.
But, Im okay with that because they're really freakin cute.
And I love cuteness.
I wish I would have gotten one of your Easter Baskets! So cute!